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windPRO Online Data

More recent ERA5-based data now available in windPRO online data โ€“ did you notice?

ERA5 reanalysis data is used as a key source in many of our renewable energy applications โ€“ and it is surely also a major component within windPRO climate and mesoscale datasets. Since this summer โ€“ more recent data has been made available at an earlier time since the data-delivery in some cases has decreased from [โ€ฆ]


Scheduled server maintenance

Scheduled server maintenance Sunday the 17th of December, between 11:00 GMT (12:00 Danish time) and 17:00 GMT Online systems will be temporarily unavailable during this time, including but not limited to: โ€ขย  ย License Registration and OnlineData for windPRO, energyPRO and energyTRADE โ€ขย  ย Website including and Calculations and tasks in windPRO and energyPRO [โ€ฆ]

High-Resolution German โ€“ Saxony DTM Models โ€“ Now in windPRO

A high-resolution digital terrain model (DTM) for the German Bundesland of Saxony (Sachsen) is now released as a part of the online data services for users of windPRO 3.3. This dataset originates from detailed annual laser-scans of Saxony โ€“ years 2008-2019. Here, the native DTM grid resolution is at 1m or 2m. For such DTM [โ€ฆ]

New and up-to-date roughness and tree-height maps of Turkey in windPRO: รœSTรœN windPROSPER Maps

During 2016-2018 EMD International A/S (EMD) formed a fruitful project partnership with the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) and รœSTรœN Energy Engineering LLC from Turkey (รœSTรœN) within the Eurostars project โ€œwindPROSPERโ€. In 2019 products from the project are released by the project partners and made available to users of windPRO. First product from windPROSPER was [โ€ฆ]

Improved global satellite images available now in windPRO: windPRO Global Satellite Imagery โ€“ 10m (2022)

The windPRO online-data team at EMD has just released a 2022 version of the โ€œwindPRO Global Satellite Imagery โ€“ 10mโ€ dataset. This dataset supplements the 2018 release which is still available. The new 2022 version is of higher quality and has fewer clouds compared to the 2018 version. You can add it as a background [โ€ฆ]

Swedish National Elevation Model โ€“ Now Available Directly in windPRO

The Swedish National Elevation Model (GSD Hรถjddata, grid 50+ nh) is now available as an online data service for users of windPRO 3.2. The native elevation data is stored in a 50m grid-format. This can be used directly in windPRO from the elevation grid object. If you prefer to use height contour lines, then the [โ€ฆ]