The DESIGN module is the basic module in energyPRO which is used to calculate the optimal energy conversions for heat, cooling and electricity for a one-year period based typically on hourly values though other time resolutions are also possible.
The SHADOW module makes it possible to calculate the annual hours of shadow flicker impact generated by one or more turbines at either specified recipients or for a given area.
PARK is a very flexible tool for calculating the AEP (Annual Energy Production) for one or more wind farms.
Over the years, tens of thousands of potential wind farm sites have relied on the excellent Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission (SRTM) data as one of the main data-sources for on-site orography. Many of us are still using SRTM data and more than 50% of all elevation downloads in windPRO are SRTM-30m resolution (1-arc-second) data. In […]
ERA5(T) in windPRO is a globally comprehensive reference wind dataset with minimal lag in time. Traditional reference datasets, such as ERA5, MERRA2 or ERA-Interim, are available with a lag to real-time of one to three months, which typically results in compromising the data quality and delaying decision making up to months. With the release of […]
On request from windPRO users working on offshore wind farm developments around the globe, the online-data services in windPRO 3.2+ now offers two bathymetry models: One with Pan-European coverage and grid resolution 230m; the other with global coverage and at a coarser 1km grid-resolution. Water depth data are accessed from the elevation-grid object – with […]
Senior Software Developer for Wind Energy Applications Do you enjoy transforming complex models into user-friendly software? Do you have hands-on experience with full-stack desktop software development and unmanaged code? If so, we would like you to join our team as a Senior Software Developer at EMD International! At EMD, you will be part of a talented […]
Get ready for energyPRO 5.0! Join us for an exciting webinar hosted by Leif Holm Tambjerg, where we will introduce the innovative features and enhancements of energyPRO 5.0. The webinar will be divided into two sessions, and you are welcome to join either one or both. Leif will be sharing numerous new tips and techniques, […]
About SOLARX is an EU project that started in 2022. EMD is one of the 8 participating organizations from 6 different countries in the EU that work together on this project. SOLARX integrates 3 high concentration solar technologies and AI based smart resource management, to produce electricity, heat for storage and/or SHIP and green H2 […]
Spar Nord and BDO have selected us as one of the 200 regional companies to receive the Succes Virksomhed award. This achievement underscores the dedication and hard work of every member of our team. Thank you for making this possible!