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Aalborg-virksomhed planter 10.000 træer i ny lokal skov

EMDFonden har sørget for, at der er plantet 10.000 små egetræer i den nye Lundbygaard Skov syd for Aalborg. Skoven skal reducere CO2-udledning og kommunen arbejder på at det også bliver et nyt rekreativt område med stier og MTB-spor. EMDFonden, der ejer EMD, har bidraget med 250.000 kroner til 10.000 træer i den nye skov, […]

Season’s Greetings and Happy New Year

On behalf of me and my colleagues at EMD, I would like to wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We would like to express our sincere thanks for the cooperation with you and your company during the year. 2023 has been a year of growth at EMD, both […]

Want to register for our courses?

We have just launched a new course booking system! Now, registering for our different types of windPRO and energyPRO courses are easier than ever. Here are a few important details you need to know: Registration Process: All registrations must be made through our website. Visit windPRO courses and energyPRO courses to explore our courses and secure […]

Now in windPRO – new wake model: WakeBlaster

windPRO now includes an option to run WakeBlaster, a new wake model. WakeBlaster is a numerical solver of the 3-dimensional Reynolds averaged Navier Stokes equations, specialized in wind turbine wakes. But what is new? No more superposition: Instead of modelling single turbine wakes and superimposing them empirically, WakeBlaster models the whole waked wind field in […]

New and up-to-date roughness and tree-height maps of Turkey in windPRO: ÜSTÜN windPROSPER Maps

During 2016-2018 EMD International A/S (EMD) formed a fruitful project partnership with the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) and ÜSTÜN Energy Engineering LLC from Turkey (ÜSTÜN) within the Eurostars project “windPROSPER”. In 2019 products from the project are released by the project partners and made available to users of windPRO. First product from windPROSPER was […]