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Mød os på Dansk Fjernvarmes Landsmøde 2023

Besøg os på stand 35 på Dansk Fjernvarmes Landsmøde i Aalborg d. 26.-27. oktober, 2023 i Aalborg Kongres- og Kulturcenter. Kom og få en snak med vores stærke team om vores værktøjer og om, hvad der rører sig i energibranchen og hvilke udfordringer vi kan hjælpe dig med. I år har vi også en spændende […]

windPRO 4.0 Tag (Kassel, Deutschland)

Im September 2023 haben wir windPRO 4.0 veröffentlicht. Wir möchten das zum Anlass nehmen und Sie am 23. November 2023 zum windPRO 4.0-Tag nach Kassel einladen. Zwischen 10:30 und 16:00 Uhr stellen wir Ihnen die wichtigsten Neuigkeiten von windPRO 4.0 vor, wie den Curtailment Optimizer und die Scripting-Möglichkeiten. Zusätzlich haben wir drei Gäste mit spannenden […]

Are Finnish trees growing or shrinking? 

EMD has evaluated the annual tree-growth using the recent Finnish LUKE data from 2021 comparing it to 2015 data. As seen from graph below, average tree growth is positive for trees with a height to about 15m, then it becomes negative (on average) due to tree-felling and active forestry. Only areas marked with “Forest” as […]

Notification on Delay in September 2023 Update of EMD-WRF Mesoscale Products and Services

Several parameters are missing from the ECMWF delivered ERA5 pressure-level data-files needed as input boundary-data for the EMD-WRF modelling. The unfortunate consequence is, that the data-update for the month of September will be delayed. We are currently in dialogue with the ECMWF support about this error and when they expect to have it resolved. Currently […]

We are looking forward to attending the Wind Energy China exhibition this year in Beijing! 

It’s an excellent opportunity to showcase our new features in windPRO 4.0 and connect with industry professionals. We hope you stop by our stand at the Danish Pavilion, where you can meet our colleagues Anders Brask and Maurizio Motta

energyPRO Temadag – invester i din energiindsigt

Vi inviterer dig hermed til vores energyPRO Temadag! energyPRO Temadag er en unik mulighed for at dykke ned i alt, hvad energyPRO har at tilbyde i dag og få en forsmag på de spændende funktioner, der er på vej. Program højdepunkter: Case om synergier mellem industri og forsyning Dyk ned i varmepumper med variabel COP […]

We are delighted to announce that EMD International A/S has been honored as a successful company in Denmark! 

Spar Nord and BDO have selected us as one of the 200 regional companies to receive the Succes Virksomhed award. This achievement underscores the dedication and hard work of every member of our team. Thank you for making this possible!

Now in windPRO 4.0: Slovakian Elevation Models (DTM & DSM)

The Slovakian Digital Terrain Model (DTM) and Slovakian Digital Surface Model (DSM) in windPRO are seamless, high-resolution digital elevation models (DEMs) that cover almost the entire Slovakian territory. Source data is released from the “Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre Authority of the Slovak Republic (ÚGKK SR)” – and is processed, formatted, and adapted for dedicated windPRO […]

Have you attended our SOLAR PV course yet?

On October 10-11, 2023 you will have the chance to attend ! (the last scheduled course this year) ✔️ The Solar PV module in windPRO allows you to plan, design and perform energy yield calculations for PV plants using the same well-known environment of windPRO. ✔️ The course covers how to accurately set up a […]

Pressemeddelse: Nyt samarbejde om softwarepakke til el-handel styrker fjernvarmebranchen i ind- og udland

Fjernvarme Fyn og EMD International A/S har netop indgået en aftale om at overflytte Fjernvarme Fyns egenudviklede planlægningsværktøj til drift, OPTI, til softwareudvikleren EMD International A/S. Med i aftalen følger også nøglemedarbejdere på området. Store ambitioner for fjernvarmen Aftalen er indgået efter flere måneders forundersøgelser hos de to virksomheder. Og ambitionen er at skabe markedets […]